3 Years ago today a 10 lb 2 oz 21 1/4 in BaBy bOy was born!!
Luke Gunter
Wow!! I can't believe my sweet baby boy is 3 years old today. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how fast the time has gone by. Luke Gunter you have brought so much JOY to our lives. You are an amazing little guy. You make us laugh everyday with your amazing personality. You love life so MUCH! You are awesome at every sport, a great bull rider, cowboy, big brother, and lots more. We thank God everyday for blessing us with a sweet angel. WE LOVE YOU more than you will ever know. We hope that your 3rd Birthday has been great. We look forward to all the years to come!! We love you so much Pukey Lukey!!
A trip down memory lane!!
Happy Birthday!!!